Small businesses today are increasingly relying on email as their primary mode of communication. In fact, many new startups are using smartphones as their primary mode of doing business. With such an emphasis on email, it’s important that small businesses use a low cost email archiving service to store all their emails.
Low cost email archiving services create a copy of every email on your account, or on your business’s account, and store them in an offsite server. No matter what the email is, it will be recorded in the archive, even if it is deleted on someone’s account. The extreme level of transparency has numerous benefits for small businesses. These are just a few of the ways that small businesses benefit from a low cost email archiving service.
Transparency is of the highest importance to today’s small business. Many small businesses rely on outside funding to help them succeed, and these outside institutions require absolute transparency for their financial support. Without doing your due diligence and archiving your company’s emails, you could end up compromising your business’s future. With low cost email archiving, every email will be stored and easily accessible, keeping you compliant with your most important business relationships.
Operating in today’s modern business world means you will probably end up in court at some point in time. The disputes may just involve sorting out simple business matters, but you should always be as prepared as possible. Email archiving helps you keep detailed, specific records of your email correspondences, some of which could help you in the event of a lawsuit or legal action. Without proper, low cost email archiving, you could end up losing a crucial piece of evidence that could protect your business from legal action.
Losing your emails can be disastrous. Besides the interruption of service, which can mean you’ll miss out on incoming mail, you will also lose all of your email conversations and threads. Without those conversations, you stand to lose an exceptional amount of information and will need to rely on people emailing you back to continue with the conversation. Low cost email archiving can protect you.
Finding specific emails can be a challenge for literally any person or business, no matter their size. Sometimes, you need to find old emails, even deleted emails, and email archiving makes the searching of your entire email server fast and simple. If you lost an attachment that you need or want to re-familiarize yourself with a project, low cost email archiving lets you quickly find the emails you need.
Providing the most affordable services on the market today, Securence is the most cost-effective choice for your email archiving needs. With our services, you can quickly, easily, and effectively maintain your company’s emails for your own records. This service will not only help you maintain better transparency, but it will also help your company run smoothly in the event of a server crash. If you are a small business looking for a low-cost email archiving service provider, be sure to contact Securence today.